Don’t walk or drive through moving water.
Turn Around
Tornado Safety
Shelter in place until a tornado warning expires and you’re given the all clear.
Community Support
Talk with other tenants to understand the safety of the building or area and advocate for change.
Stash it Away
Keep personal property like bikes or wallets out of sight to prevent theft.
Keep a Safe Space
Report broken or missing safety features to landlords or property managers immediately.
Leave a Light On
Turn on a porch light at night to illuminate sidewalks.
See Something, Say Something
If you see violence or feel a danger to your or anyone’s safety, call 911 for police.
Call 911 in Emergency
When calling 911, be clear and concise when reporting the problem and answering the operator’s questions.
Prevent Auto Theft
Immediately lock your doors and keep your windows rolled up until you depart.
Limit Opportunity
Never leave your car running unattended, or leave key fobs in your car.