Campus Security Authority Information

The University of Minnesota encourages all reports of crime to be made to the University of Minnesota Police Department (UMPD) or local law enforcement; however, crimes may also be reported to individuals on campus who have been identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). The intent of including non-law enforcement personnel as campus security authorities is to acknowledge that some individuals may be inclined to report such incidents to other individuals on campus.

An important component of compliance with the Clery Act is ensuring that crime data is collected from all applicable sources defined in the law. In order to comply with the Clery Act, the University of Minnesota collects crime information from local law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over the University of Minnesota Clery Geography and a wide range of individuals who have been identified as CSAs.

What is a Campus Security Authority?

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are individuals on campus who fit under one of the four categories outlined by the law:

  1.  A campus police or security department.
  2. Individuals who have security responsibility, but are not part of the police or security department.
  3. Individuals or offices where members of the campus community are directed to report crimes.
  4. Officials of the University who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities.

CSAs are defined by federal law. While there are many CSAs at the University of Minnesota, the following groups of individuals comprise the bulk of CSAs on campus

  • UMPD and security personnel
  • Residence hall directors, assistant residence hall directors, residence hall community advisors
  • Advisors to student groups
  • Athletics coaches, assistant coaches
  • Office of Community Standards
  • Equal Opportunity and Title IX
  • Director of University Clery Compliance

Take the CSA training

What Does a CSA do?

If you are the victim of a crime and are unsure how you want to proceed, you may want to consider speaking with a Campus Security Authority.

CSAs can explain different reporting options available and help you decide which option is best for you.

In some cases, you may be able to make a confidential report that would not initiate any additional action through the University or the criminal justice system. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others. With this information, the University of Minnesota can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents occurring on campus, determine crime patterns, and alert the campus community of potential danger.

How Do I Make a Report to a Non-police CSA? 

CSAs have been trained to act as a resource for anyone who wishes to report the occurrence of a crime. While there are many CSAs on campus, the University of Minnesota prefers reports be made to the following CSAs:

Office NameLocationPhone NumberOnline
Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office274 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak St SE
Office for Community Standards211 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St SE
Director of Clery Compliance 345 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak St SE
612-625-4597Report Directly to Director of University Clery Compliance using this form

All reports of sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking will be forwarded to the Title IX coordinator in the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office (EOT). Employees who have been designated as “responsible employees” under Title IX are required to forward the name of all individuals involved with an allegation of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking to the Title IX coordinator.

When the Title IX coordinator receives a report of alleged sexual misconduct a letter will be sent to the impacted person inviting them to a meeting with an investigator from EOT and providing resource information. The impacted person may decline to meet with the investigator. If the meeting with the investigator is declined or if the impacted person fails to respond to the letter, the Title IX coordinator will then send a closing letter that explains the consequences of not investigating the incident and notifies the impacted person that they may come forward at any time to pursue an investigation.

In limited circumstances, for example, where there is a threat to campus safety, the situation involves extreme violence or the perpetrator is connected to multiple incidents of sexual misconduct, the University may investigate without the agreement of the reporting person.